We asked a rainforest conservation expert about the solution to slash and burn farming

Slash and burn farming is a dangerous and unsustainable method of clearing trees to make room for agriculture. As witnessed in Indonesia recently, it can prove catastrophic for rainforest ecosystems containing some of the world’s most remarkable species. But it’s not just animals and plants that these destructive practices affect. Billions of tonnes of carbon … Continued

The animals that live fast and die young

  Some animals give rockers and daredevils a run for their money when it comes to the old live fast die young adage. Madagascar’s Labord’s chameleon (pictured above) is one of the most extreme examples. These gorgeously mosaicked lizards are alive for just a single year, and only out of its shell for four or five … Continued

Expedition captures first ever video footage of elusive Peruvian bird

Conservationists are celebrating this week as camera traps captured images and video of the elusive Sira Currasow bird and the rare Andean spectacled bear, deep inside the remote Cerros del Sira, Peru. The success is hard earned, with biologists from the Universities of Exeter and Glasgow along with scientists from Peru, having spent weeks trekking through rugged and challenging … Continued

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