We're cooking on the wild side this weekend with these exclusive new nature shows

How do you enjoy the world’s great wild spaces when the only resources available to you are those that Mother Nature provides? That’s the topic of Cooking in the Wild, an exclusive new show to the Love Nature streaming app. Each week instructor in survival techniques John C. invites a renowned French chef out into the wild on a quest to … Continued

Lowland Tapir to be reintroduced into Atlantic Forest

Driven to extinction in Rio de Janeiro in 1980 due to hunting and habitat destruction, the Lowland Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is being reintroduced into the Atlantic Forest by Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA). Without human influence, the Lowland Tapir’s range would have extended through the Atlantic Forest in south-east Brazil. With support from World Land … Continued

Jaguar shot and killed at Olympic torch event

An Olympic celebration turned tragic after soldiers were forced to shoot and kill a 17-year-old female jaguar in Manuas, Brazil. The jaguar, named Juma, had been brought out to celebrate the passing of the Olympic torch through the Brazilian Amazon, and to commemorate the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro. Following her public appearance, … Continued

10 awe-inspiring natural wonders to visit via Google Maps  

Nothing beats experiencing nature first hand. Whether you’re standing in the shadows of a vast geological monument, witnessing wild animals up close or soaking up the ambience of some remote untouched wilderness, no one’s yet found a way to fully replicate our planet’s most amazing spectacles through technology. That said, not everyone has the budget … Continued

The world biggest pharmacy? The rainforest!

Simply put, the Amazon rainforest is one of our world’s greatest ecosystems. Encompassing over a billion acres of precious ancient growth forests in Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru, the rainforest is often called the lungs of the planet, generating about a quarter of the world’s fresh oxygen supply. The Amazon Basin holds one-fifth the … Continued