Posts by Amber Dowling

Cannibis is killing off one of California’s cutest critters

As more and more people light up under revamped marijuana laws, not everyone is getting their chill on. Specifically, it seems like the cannabis industry’s sudden growth is once again burning wildlife. The state of California is concerned about the status of the Humbolt marten, a creature sometimes described as the west coast’s version of … Continued

10 animals that have survived the threat of extinction so far

About half a decade ago a mysterious “melting” virus basically wiped out millions of starfish off the western coast of North America and pushed a number of species to the brink of extinction. It was a scary time to be a starfish to be sure, but now things are coming up… well, Starfish. According to … Continued

7 ways Trump’s environmental policies are affecting wildlife

It’s no secret the current U.S. president is a fan of business and looking out for the interests of the wealthy, and less of a “bleeding heart” when it comes to protecting wildlife and the environment. Those traits are undoubtedly why Donald Trump has had his government scrub words like “climate change,” and even the … Continued

Rivers are now so polluted with drugs that even wildlife is getting high

You are what you eat. Or in this case, perhaps it’s more accurate to say you are what you swim in. We’ve heard of everything from contraceptives to antidepressants affecting aquatic ecosystems and the creatures that rely on them, but now a new study is pointing to the dangers of illicit drugs—namely cocaine—being dumped into … Continued

An “activist” orangutan fights off bulldozer to save home

When animals attack, it’s usually for a pretty good reason. Often it’s because they’re trying to protect their young, or sometimes their food. And then there are the animals who attack for sheer survival, after a human hand has given them no other choice. Enter one “activist” orangutan in Indonesia, who finally had enough and … Continued

9 reasons coral reefs are so integral to our survival

As any snorkeling or scuba diving aficionado can attest, coral reefs are beautiful to behold. But look a little closer and these wondrous feats of nature aren’t just another gorgeous underwater feature to be marveled at—their purpose is actually quite integral to the ongoing survival of many. And yes, that includes humans. Today, thanks to … Continued

12 animals that wreaked havoc on important ecosystems

There’s a reason border agents are such sticklers when it comes to bringing any kind of food, animal, or plant into another country. Invasive animals, or foreign species, have long wrecked havoc on the environments into which they were introduced, killing off established animals, adding more competition for food sources, and eating up vegetation that’s required … Continued

Biologists found 17 pounds of plastic lodged in a dead whale

The mounting problem of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans may not have been a concern for all of the world leaders during the recent G7 summit, but it continues to affect marine life in a pretty big way. Case in point? The story of a pilot whale that was discovered in Thailand’s Na Thap … Continued

11 of the strangest animal genitals on the planet

There are many things that fascinate us about the animal kingdom, from certain species’ habitats and their genetic makeups to their habits and overall dispositions. But one of the things we can’t help but continue to be the most fascinated by is the mating rituals of certain creatures and critters… especially when they happen to … Continued

Conservationists are now taking some pretty drastic measures to save rhinos

Rhinos are beautiful and majestic creatures, creatures that could cease to exist if we don’t soon find a solution to the worldwide poaching problem. Their plight comes with a sense of irony, really. For millions of years rhinos have relied on their large horns to save and protect them from a variety of situations and … Continued

These are 7 of the top new species of 2018

Every year scientists discover roughly 18,000 new species of microbes, plants, animals, and even some extinct creatures, which means it takes a pretty special discovery for one of these species to make it onto a Top 10 list. Yet every year taxonomists from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry manage to select the best … Continued

We’ve now destroyed 83 per cent of all wild mammals

There may be millions of species out there, but when it comes to the one that has been the most destructive, human beings are clearly at the top of the chain. New research shows that, despite the world’s 7.6 billion people representing just 0.01 per cent of all living things, we’ve now managed to destroy … Continued

How to survive 10 random (but common) animal attacks

It’s a tough life for a city-dwelling animal, especially as new developments drive natural wildlife further and further from their homes. So these days it seems like any regular old Joe Schmo can find himself at the mercy of an angry raccoon, coyote or skunk at the end of the driveway, making the city (and … Continued

Family raises dog for two years before realizing it’s a bear

According to Jim Halpert, it’s pretty much fact that bears eat beets. But apparently, it’s also a fact that bears look like dogs. So much so that one family actually raised a bear thinking it was a dog for two whole years. That’s right, when a family in China purchased a puppy two years ago … Continued

10 lethal animal encounters that could have totally been avoided

Wild animals are beautiful to look at… or at least they are from afar. That’s because wild animals are exactly that–wild. That means you’re probably best to stay far away and to not try and tame them as pets or snuggle up to them in order to snap a selfie. Yet every year we hear … Continued

Researchers discover "ground zero" causing worldwide amphibian plague

It looks like there’s even more reason to take those airport signs seriously. While we’ve long known about the potential dangers of introducing animals to foreign ecosystems, researchers now believe the illegal transportation of amphibians across borders could be the reason so many of them have been dying from a known plague. Chytrid fungus, a … Continued

10 of the most trafficked animals in existence (for now)

Recently more than 10,000 endangered radiated tortoises were seized from poachers in Madagascar, but not all of them were physically saved. Hundreds of the animals died from illness and dehydration, proving once again that most animals just really shouldn’t be taken out of their habitat. Experts believe the turtles were intended for the illegal pet … Continued

These polygamist owls are baffling scientists for more than one reason

They say it takes a village to raise a child. But whoever “they” are probably meant the phrase to apply to human babies—not little owlets still living in their nests. So imagine scientists’ surprise when they accidentally discovered two great horned owl chicks being raised by a father, a mother… and another mother. That’s a … Continued

10 mind-boggling facts about the common cow

The threat of extinction is real, especially for the larger mammals out there. Roughly 13,000 years ago there were more species of mammals in North America than in modern-day Africa, according to Scientific American, but as soon as humans began to show up only the smaller species prevailed. If the trend continues, scientists estimate that … Continued

Scientists have found a new species of exploding ants

Spock may have been on to something when he explained how the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Indeed, that utilitarian way of thinking could explain why a newly discovered species of ants in the tropical rainforests of South-East Asia basically explode when threatened. Scientists discover thousands of new species every year, … Continued

10 plastic products that are ruining the planet

We love our plastic, there’s no denying it. It’s strong, it’s durable, it’s convenient and it can be shaped into myriad shapes, which is why it was hailed as a wondrous material back in the 1950s. Fast forward 60 years, and it’s also ruining our planet. Today, there’s an estimated 5.25 trillion plastic particles weighing … Continued

10 of the weirdest endangered animals on the planet

Depending on your point of view, the world might be overrun with domestic animals (a 2011 report suggested there are a whopping 19 billion chickens on the planet, for example). But when it comes to some of the rarer critters out there, the endangered species list seems to grow longer and longer with each passing … Continued

Shrimp may be the key to stabilizing the ocean

Shrimp may be some of the tiniest creatures in the water, but when it comes to the all-important tasks of mixing up the ocean layers and transporting nutrients, shrimp and krill may pack a bigger punch than we originally thought. And you thought jumbo shrimp was an oxymoron. New research published in Nature suggests that tiny … Continued

A punk, butt-breathing turtle is facing extinction

If reptiles were rock stars, Australia’s Mary River turtle would certainly be the poster child. With two spikes under its chin, a tuft of bright green “hair” resembling a Mohawk, and the ability to breathe through its genitals, this reptile might have more showmanship than Gene Simmons. It’s also officially endangered. The Zoological Society of … Continued